Is Your Content Engaging?

Understanding how to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

In life, you get what you put in.  It’s a simple truth and yet, many people think they can get away with cutting corners.

It applies to everything and in this case, it applies to the content you are putting out in the world.

My guess is your target audience is thoughtful, purpose driven, and looking for substance.

You’re not going engage with those types of folks unless you can connect with them on a deep and personal level.

Think about the things that you give your attention to when scrolling through your phone.  Go beyond the guilty pleasures, the memes and funny cat videos.  When have you taken the time to read an article or watch a video, and then follow through on a call to action?  What caused you to care enough to stop what you were doing and invest your precious time to act on something you saw on the internet?  

My guess is it was probably something you cared about and the person that created that content cared about it too.  That is the key to the equation.  While we take pride in our production value, we know that surface level glitz and glamour only gets you so far.   Connecting with people on an emotional level is what we strive for because that is what stirs people up inside and motivates them to act.

You have to care and the people you work with have to care too, or you’ll end up with garbage.

For more information on how Production House can help you develop, produce, an execute an effective content strategy please click here.


You Made A Video. Nobody Cares.